And, just for cuteness (minus me and my crazyness hair), look at my little coffee bean wrapped up in the baby k'tan:
This is how I'm getting things done today (vacuuming, laundry, etc.). And hopefully getting Gray baby to learn that this is daytime and nighttime is for sleeping :)
i've heard of people saving them. I don't think its creepy.
I think my mom saved mine...I would just be scared that Bear would find it and eat it! Can you e-mail me your address? We have a little something for G.
Honestly, I wouldn't save it! A little gross to me, but hey, if you really want to, go for it!
My name is Tali and I work for Baby K'tan. We stumbled upon your blog and just loved your pictures!
I was wondering if we could use one of your photos and quote your blog on the testimonials page of our website.
Please email me at
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