As promised, here are pictures of the baby invitations I made for the baby shower
Kathy is hosting. There is a feeling I get after finishing a small project like this that I like to call "instant craftification." Finishing a craft-kind-of project is just so satisfying! Especially when it can be completed in a few hours or even a whole day. I'm an instant craftification girl all the way and this one definitely fit the bill. Kathy's first and only big request was that they be shaped like onesies. I inquired about colors (bright blues, greens...), embellishments (buttons and brads), size, envelopes and her choice of wording. I made them all a little bit different with the same overall feel, layout and color scheme. So without further ado...
(orange splotches compliments of the aybaybay address protection agency. or that i'm just too paranoid to post anyone's address on my little space in the interwebs) 
The text is printed on vellum which I laid over varying printed papers.

For the onesie "snaps," I used solid brads on some and button brads on others. All of the upper buttons were random and different for each invitation. (EDIT: They are expecting a boy so I feel the need to point out that the text area is light red and NOT pink as it looks.)

That's all, folks. :)
Thank you SO much for the adorable shower invitations! They are perfect! You should really make a career out of it, they look the exact same ( if not a better ) then the ones we saw online!
-Amanda Pryor-
fa. sho. to above. really, i couldn't say thank you enough. see you tonight!
Ahh! Are you kidding? Those are amazing, phenomenal, gorgeous!!! Sorry, I just got really excited...but I have never seen anything like those!
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