Fussy and cuddling isn't working? Put him on my lap so he can see the computer, find a YouTube Baby Einstein video and... yea, no crying. I love the "whooaa" look on his face when I show him the Baby Einstein clips (by the way... not really a big fan of Baby Einstein, it's a little trippy like Disney's Fantasia but with handpuppets instead)...

On this particular day, he was insanely squirmy and I could only love on him if he was watching the computer or the TV in my lap...

I wonder if it's bad to be introducing TV's and computers this early on... hmm.
He's still very cuddly but not quite like the little Gray we brought home. This afternoon he fell asleep on my shoulder with his baby breath on my cheek and I was just so excited because I miss that so much already.
Well, many "experts" say TV before 2 can cause ADHD, but I think that's ridiculous, I did umteenmillion reports in high school and college about ADHD, and it's a chemical imbalance, not something that can be brought on by TV!! Anyway, off my soapbox now! Atalie watched Baby Einstein at that age, and now she watches a few shows. She loves TV! But at the same time, she is the most calm, laid back baby AND is developmentally ahead....so I don't think for a minute TV is negatively affecting her, she has actually learned a lot from it! Of course, we still have lots of time playing, learning, etc, without the TV! So, basically I'm saying that I don't think it's bad at all, as long as he isn't sitting in front of it 12 hours a day, know what I mean?!
I've always thought that smart babies like to be stimulated and so when they see TV or the computer and become fascinated its because that overeager brain is working overtime to learn more and more.
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