Today, I picked up my CT films to take to the surgeon on Thursday (all of those are on CDs now... fancy shmancy!). To my layman's eye, the "toomah" looks like a little blur at first but when you look a little more closely you can even see how it splays apart the ICA and ECA. Insanity!
So, if you've ever wondered what a carotid body tumor looks like...

Me no likey.
wow, Previous to this post If someone were to ask me if I kept up with your blog I would have said, "yes". But somehow when I randomly drop by to read your latest writings I have missed this information about this tumor ordeal?! I found myself shocked that I have missed all your posts about it! I wanted you to know though that I am also praying and thinking about you! also in findin out this news I had to go back and read many of your blogs that I have missed and they are all fabulous!
P.s. I also cannot wait until Gray and Syd can interact with each other! It will be so much fun! Next time you come over near the Mall of GA let me know because I live ten min away from there! and we can formally introduce our offspring!
Hope all is well! Have a great weekend!!!!
[sorry that this comment is so long-winded]
YES! thank you for your example! lol skank!! i love it! and the tumor thing does indeed sound VERY UN-fun! :( Oh yeah you still believe in arranged marriages right? I think I have a cow or two to sweeten the deal? hahaha! If ya want to meet up when you come this way just call my cell 678-910-9185!! Happy Saturday!
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