... if he's happy or sad. He made all of those faces within one minute. About once every evening he can't decide if he's happy, upset or just annoyed. Such a woman! Really, I think he's just super hungry but we distract him so he will smile. So he goes back and forth really quickly between smiling/giggling and whimpering with his bottom lip sticking out (like the picture in the top left corner). Like, "I'm flippin' hungry, ma! Weee! No, wait, don't make me laugh, I'm hungryyyyy. Wah!" It is maybe the most hilarious thing I've ever seen.
Please, look at the present Paul discovered in the garage today:

Paul said it scared the crap out of him. That would have been only the beginning for me -- I KNOW I would have cried and curled up all fetus-like. And it was definitely not placed there by accident because it is under the workbench in the garage. I mean, c'mon... who DOES that?! Help. Me.
What IS that?!!
(Picture 2)
it just so happens to be a huge fake spider. wtf.
OMG! I would have died!! So Scary!
who put it there?
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