
resolutions, round two

Now that it's already February (I can't believe it!) I guess I need to set up my new round of resolutions. First, let's see how I did on my January resolutions:
  • Keep a pen with me at all times. I don't think I once found myself without a pen in hand or close by this month. So silly but this really made life a little easier, especially with a baby on board.
  • Keep a small notepad or blank piece of paper with me at all times. I actually managed this one, too. Especially since my mom gave me the momAgenda. Again, silly resolution but one that has paid off so far.
  • Keep closer tabs on my checking account and cut back on unnecessary spending/save more money. I/we have definitely cut a lot of unnecessary spending simply be being at home with Gray. And I actually find it really hard now to justify spending on things I would have otherwise just gone for (like when I did my first postpartum wardrobe shop on the Target sale racks). Spending is more in check now so I need to devise a plan for budgeting and saving. That might be next month's task once life is back to "normal."
  • Set up an organized and efficient system for documentation (at work). Check. I finished setting this up before I had G, thank goodness.
  • Breastfeeding. Still nursing but mostly by pumping because G does not always nurse "efficiently" (it's very difficult to keep him awake) and I'm not producing quite enough yet for his monster hunger so we are supplementing some with formula. Especially at night because the breastmilk just doesn't keep him full for long at all. But still truckin' because I really want him to stay healthy as long as my body can provide defense against the sicklies. :)
  • Keep some sort of date night/connection/romance time with Paul once G gets here, especially in that first month. This one has been much more difficult than the others (obviously). Earlier this week we had a really great home dinner/movie/cuddle night after G ate "dinner." It wasn't really anything out of the ordinary but we had it planned like a date which made it more exciting. And though it's technically not a date, tonight Emma is babysitting G while we go to a friend's Superbowl shindig for a while. I'm excited to see some familiar faces, that is for sure!
  • Overall... not too shabby. Just a couple things I'd like to improve on a little more.
So... for February I'm going more typical (physical/spiritual/emotional), I think:
  • Physical goals: Lose the remaining 4 lbs of baby weight. Start doing some exercises to tone my core. G is getting heavier by the second so I definitely need to build some core strength.
  • Emotional goals: Date/romance/connection time with my mister (safe to say this one will be year-round). Do something "Amanda-like" at least once a day.
  • Organization goals: By the end of the month, purge and sell/giveaway all clothes, shoes and bags that are stained/not in good shape, do not fit or that I no longer wear. Create new file system to organize statements and important info.
  • Mental/Emotional/Spiritual goal: Find and focus on the positive, especially at work so that I'm not bringing Debbie Downer home with me when I get off (this will be hard, I know, because I am already dreading going back). I have a book of daily positive quotations that I plan to use just for this purpose haha.
  • Start a photo-a-day record of our lives and Gray-baybay. (I've just always wanted to do one, really.)
  • And my biggest goal for the next week: finish thank you notes! I STILL have a few on my desk that I wrote two months ago and still haven't put in the mail. What the heck?? I originally wanted them all finished before G arrived. But then I waited because I wanted to include more specific ways we were using the gifts and I'm glad I did because even though we were so thankful for everyone's generosity before... now I could probably go on and on about all of the things we've used/still have left to use and how they were just downright thoughtful (Butt Paste, q-tips -- great for putting on the butt paste or A&D haha, Mylicon drops, medical kit, huuuge box of 500-something wipes, bathtime supplies, baby hair brush... all kinds of stuff that I probably would not have focused on pre-baby...).
I think this list is going to be a little harder than January's... here's hoping. 

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